As published in the White River Current on Thursday December 12, 2012
I had a very interesting dream last night. I was in this very large room. I knew I had been there before several years ago but at that time the room was empty. Now, the room was filled to capacity, every seat taken, even up in the balcony. At the front of the room, on an elevated platform of sorts, two men were seated in large leather chairs that faced the audience. Seated on the front row of the balcony were several dignitaries including a middle aged couple who looked vaguely familiar. The tall gentleman was very quiet and reserved but the lady was very animated. Suddenly, the large doors at the rear of the room opened, a man entered, walked several steps into the room, stopped and announced in a booming voice, “Mr. Speaker. The President of the United States.” A handsome young man and his entourage entered the room and the crowd erupted into loud applause with many yelling “Nathan, Nathan, Nathan.” That was when I woke up. Strangely, I have had similar dreams lately. Once it was the popular concert pianist, Nathan. Another time, it was the winner of the Daytona 500. Still another, it was the record breaking homerun slugger in the World Series. By the way, have I mentioned that we have a new great grandson, born November 6th (election day; is that an omen? He wouldn’t be the first piano playing president). I am expecting great things of this young man, you just wait and see. Well, enough of that. Since this is my last column of the year, I want to again thank all you readers for all the nice comments. I look forward to several more of these meetings in the new year. I will be in the first issue of 2013. I plan to look back on the past issues to find the things I have promised to talk about. I’ll do my best to address those and some others as they pop into my head. Have you got a copy of the new book that the museum board has produced? The name is “Calico Rock, A History from 1831-1966.” You will definitely want a copy and they will make great Christmas gifts. And part of your purchase will benefit the Calico Rock Museum. On a sad note, Gloria, the mayor of Pineville died November 26th. She was a great supporter of the area and was an outstanding character. I was the mayor of Calico Rock in the late 80”s when she and her son first visited our city. They presented the City Council a proposal to install new signs for all the streets within the boundaries of the city limits. The Council accepted their proposal and they proceeded to do a superb job for our residents. While she was here, Gloria fell in love with the people and the area. She returned home to Sherwood, Arkansas, and persuaded her husband, David, to retire from his job on the police department and move to the Calico Rock community. She has been a tireless worker in her church and community since arriving here. We were living in Missouri when I received an e-mail from her in which she asked for my comments on her possible race for the Pineville mayor position. I told her to “go for it” and she did. We will all suffer because she is gone but we will all be better because she was here. I was up before daylight this morning and happened to look out the East window. A lone star was shining brightly in the pre-dawn sky. I said to myself, “Shine on, dear sister, shine on.” Yes, Gloria will be missed, but we can continue the legacy she left for us. My prayer today is that each of you will have a very happy and blessed Christmas season and a joyous and prosperous New Year. Let us all try to help each other and treat one another with kindness and respect. We are commanded to “Love One Another.” This is Reed, very sadly reporting from a corner of the Queen City of the Ozarks, beautiful Calico Rock, Arkansas. See you next year.