I lift up my eyes to the hills -- where does my help come from? My help comes
from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” So says the writer of the first
two verses of Psalm 121, The Holy Bible (NIV). I memorized this Psalm at
church camp when I was a boy and it has always been one of my favorites. I
guess you could call me a “hillbilly” because I have always liked the Ozarks. To
borrow a line from one of Loretta’s songs, “When you look at me, you’re looking
at country.” I suppose it’s because of my mountain heritage that I developed a
need for spiritual involvement early in life.
Again this year, we celebrated Holy Week with good instrumental music, singing,
preaching and fellowship hosted by the Ministerial Alliance. All the churches in
the Calico Rock area participated in the event which was again held at the First
Methodist Church. I have been told that Calico Rock is unique in the cooperative
efforts of the ministers in our community. Let me stop here and paraphrase the
first verse of Psalm 133: “How good and how pleasant it is when people dwell
together in unity.” Bless the Alliance and all the work they do to assist those in
their various needs. I’m proud to be a part of a community that cares. By the
way, I would like to note that when I was growing up, the Baccalaureate service
at the end of the school year was always held at the Methodist Church because
of their seating capacity. Thanks, Methodists, for your hospitality.
Next fall, the Alliance will be sponsoring the annual community revival, another
cooperative activity involving all the churches. When I was a boy, every year the
Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches banded together to hold a revival. At
first these were held in a large, circus-type tent. Funeral home fans were very popular.
Usually an outside evangelist was secured. In the revival of July, 1939, in a large
tent located in East Calico Rock in the area near the cotton gin, I walked the sawdust
path to the front and gave my life to Jesus. It was on Sunday morning, the last day of
the revival which had begun the previous Sunday. I don’t know the full name of the
evangelist but we all called him “Uncle Pearl.” I was one of the last of several that
went forward that day and maybe the youngest. The three churches continued a joint
revival effort for a few more years, abandoning the tent and rotating between the
three sanctuaries until everyone agreed to start separate services. A few years ago,
an effort was begun to try to recapture the spirit of the past, a tent was rented and the
community revival again became a yearly event. The tent idea lasted a couple of
years or so until that torrential rainstorm. For several years the event was held in the
pavilion, then when the Elementary auditorium became available things were moved
to that location. I’m looking forward the good singing and preaching that our
Ministerial Alliance will be bringing to us this Fall. Aren’t you glad you have the
privilege to live in the hills? If you are, what can YOU do to make Calico Rock a
better place for everyone; a place where we can all dwell together in unity. At least,
that’s the way I look at it from my corner in the Queen of the Ozarks, beautiful Calico
Rock, Arkansas. Thanks for all the kind remarks on my offerings. Next time, I will
be discussing NAMES. So that’s it for now. See you in two weeks. Look for my
friend, Tom* on alternate weeks.
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